Ace the Indiana Security Guard Exam 2024 – Guard Your Future with Confidence!

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While you are working at the security desk a woman tells you that she has just been sexually assaulted by someone known to you. What should you do to help her?

Listen to her patiently then suggest she call the police. Document the incident

Call the police on her behalf and relay the story to them

Do a search of the site until you find the person who assaulted her then assist her to make an arrest

Find a private area where she can write her report, and keep her safe until the police arrive

It is important to prioritize the victim's well-being, so finding a private area for her to document her report is the most appropriate option. Option A may make the victim feel rushed and under pressure, and it is not advisable to handle or document the incident on your own. Option B may also make the victim feel uncomfortable and it is not appropriate to force her to speak with the police. Option C puts the victim at risk and may escalate the situation. Thus, option D is the best course of action to provide support and assistance to the victim while ensuring her safety.


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